Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Handsome Peacock Knees

I just found these tights on Modcloth.com I HAVE TO HAVE THEM! Do you understand? I don't have a credit card though. Sad day.

I haven't posted in so long but luckily I'm new on here so no one will be missing me! I've been mad mad mad with Christmas shopping. I got my boyfriend a guitar. A really beautiful one. It was expensive and I didn't really know what I was looking for (I don't play myself) but I knew I was willing to pay the price if it means he can keep the guitar forever because of it's good quality. The girl in the shop was so helpful, by asking me millions of questions about my boyfriend she was able to narrow the choices down to two guitars that would suite him perfectly. The one I chose came with a hard case, for free. I actually gave it to him the night I got it because I was so excited and we're untraditional. He was like a little girl that just opened Malibu Barbie!

I will be posting again before Christmas to show some new outfits but geeeez I'm so busy!

Ashleigh Rose xx